Abu Dhabi 2019 - Cycling

Scott Beckstead

Coach | Durango, Colorado
Scott Beckstead

Scott Beckstead had been a coach with Special Olympics Colorado for the past 22 years. He has learned a lot about life through the eyes of the athletes he has befriended over this time. His favorite Special Olympics memory was when he was in his first year of coaching. An athlete was riding a 10k road race and still had four laps to go while everyone else had finished. He was allowed to finish the ride with her. Because of her determination, it was one of the most inspiring moments he has ever been part of. Scott coached the World Games cycling team in 1999 and in 2001, he was an athlete escort with the alpine ski team. In 2003, he was a Special Olympics World Games Safety and Event Volunteer for cycling. Scott says, “It is an honor to attend the Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019 with the truest athletes this world knows. I look forward to watching them give their best.