Abu Dhabi 2019 - Management Team

Wenona Sutton

Additional Staff | Bronx, Pennsylvania
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Wenona Sutton is an original New York City girl who left behind her city life and now works as the Marketing and Communications Manager for Special Olympics Pennsylvania. In addition to her Special Olympics Pennsylvania role, she's been in for nearly five years, she is serving as an Assistant Director for SO USA. She uses her self-taught graphic design, marketing, public relations, web development, and video editing skills to help bring visibility to her state’s 56 local programs. She also uses her acquired skills to share the inspiring stories of their almost 20,000 athletes. Wenona is an ardent entrepreneur and runs multiple businesses in addition to her role with Special Olympics. She is very involved in her community and gives back by serving on the Young Professional’s board for her local Urban League. Wenona is a life-long learner and spends her free time researching ideas and learning new skills. Travel is at the top of the list of her favorite things and she can't wait to visit the UAE for the first time in 2019.