Grace Seiboldt has participated in Special Olympics Illinois since 2006. She competes in swimming, Unified soccer, basketball, athletics, bowling, and softball. She has been a Global Messenger for Special Olympics Illinois for six years. As a Global Messenger, Grace tells her story and speaks on behalf of Special Olympics IL to companies, foundations, and schools to promote inclusion and acceptance. She is also a junior leader at her local Young Life Camp. Grace has been a camper for six summers and has worked at the Young Life Camp in their gift shop for two summers, before being asked to be a junior leader for the camp. The organization has made Grace a more courageous and determined person, she is proud of who she has become because of Special Olympics. This past July, Grace participated in the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games in Seattle, WA. There she earned two gold and one silver medal. The experience was one that will be remembered for years to come. Attending the Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019 is a dream come true for Grace. She is looking forward to the memories she will make as she represents Special Olympics Illinois and the United States of America!