Greg Hayward and his family have been part of the Special Olympics family for 35 years. His wife, Lisa, introduced him to the organization while they were dating, and later his daughter Heidi, a local coach with Special Opportunities Available in Recreation, got him involved in Unified Tennis. Greg’s first Summer Games experience was in 1983 in Illinois and he’s attended every year since. He has helped caddy for Special Olympics golf outings and volunteers at numerous other events. He credits Special Olympics with having a big impact on his life. It has been a wonderful thing for his family to be a part of and he has made many friendships with athletes, coaches, staff, and volunteers. Greg loves the game of tennis and he loves Special Olympics, so becoming a Unified partner in tennis was a great fit for him. Greg is so proud to be the tennis partner of Josh McClellan and represent the USA in Abu Dhabi. He’s the most proud of Josh, his tennis partner. Watching him overcome adversity (including the loss of his father) to become the man he is today has been a remarkable experience for Greg. He says it will be an emotionally incredible honor and privilege to march into World Games as a part of Special Olympics USA!