Abigail “Abby” Brennan of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, has participated in Special Olympics for the past 25 years, since she was 8 years old. She has trained and competed in athletics, basketball, bocce, bowling, and volleyball. At the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023, she will represent Special Olympics USA in bocce. Through Special Olympics, Abby met her two best friends and has learned to be more independent. Proud of her improvement in the sports she loves, Abby enjoys attending weekly practices. One of her greatest achievements is racing in the Howard Wood Dakota Relays, a track meet for high school and college athletes from five states.
Abby attends class at a nearby church, where she also volunteers as a greeter. She is active in FRIENDSLink, an organization dedicated to forming and fostering friendships between adults with differing abilities, through Augustana University. On her journey to World Games, Abby looks forward to building friendships, her favorite part of being involved with Special Olympics.