Landa Gann of Lafayette, Louisiana, has coached Special Olympics athletes for the past 18 years. She has experience coaching athletics, bowling, soccer, swimming and tennis. She has also competed as a Unified partner in bowling. Landa will represent Special Olympics USA as an assistant coach in bowling. In 2015, she attended the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles as a Unified partner in bowling. In 2019, she attended the Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi as a bowling coach. Coaching Special Olympics has shown Landa what incredible things individuals with intellectual disabilities can achieve. Seeing her athletes reach the goals they set for themselves makes her the proudest. She was named Special Olympics Louisiana Volunteer of the Year in 2015.
As a teacher, Landa teaches adapted physical education to students with disabilities. Her interests include camping, hiking and visiting national parks. She is working hard to prepare for the opportunity of a lifetime, coaching in the Special Olympics USA Games Berlin 2023.