"Jared Lamb is in high school and competes at the varsity level in track. He regularly participates in Special Olympics New York athletics, floor hockey, nordic skiing and bowling. In his spare time, he likes to cook, bake and hang out with the other kids his age. Jared participated at the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games in Seattle for New York and is very excited for the next upcoming opportunity to join the world stage at Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019. He is looking forward to visiting another country and meeting new people while he competes for more medals. Jared hopes to beat his previous record in the next competition by six seconds. In his effort to reach his goal, Jared trains on average two to three days a week. Being involved in Special Olympics New York, Jared has learned to never give up and not to be afraid of trying something new. Jared is most happy and satisfied with winning, but also likes it when people are proud of him."