Abu Dhabi 2019 - Bowling

David Francis

Unified Partner | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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David Francis has been a Special Olympics Oklahoma volunteer for the past 15 years. He’s also been a member of the Special Olympics Oklahoma Summer Games and Winter Games committees, while serving on his Area Board. David represented Oklahoma at the 2014 Special Olympics USA Games in New Jersey as the bowling coach, and participated in the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games in Seattle as a Unified partner in bowling. When asked what attending the Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019 meant to him, David said, “I want to help my partner Cody Shelton experience the World Games. When Cody was a part of my bowling team in New Jersey, and I was his Unified partner in Seattle, I saw this amazing young man grow and emerge from shyness and timidity, to being a more confident and outgoing individual. I’ve gotten to live those Games through his eyes, and I want to help him see the world with it.”