Cori Davis is currently a Senior at Southfork High School in Stuart, Florida. She loves history and wants to travel the world. In Special Olympics, she is involved in gymnastics as a level four gymnast. Cori was recently crowned the 2018 three mile paddleboard champion for the state of Florida. But Cori will put her skills to the test at Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019 in equestrian. She competes in equitation, trail, barrel racing and now dressage. She has many gold medals over the last five years of riding. Cori's family owns four horses that she spends hours of her time grooming. She is perfecting her higher level skills so she can participate in the hunter/jumper category in the future. Cori has three dogs to keep her busy, and she currently works in a job training program at an animal hospital where her favorite thing to do is cheer up the sick animals. Cori is extremely outgoing and will try anything since she is very athletic. She is also a magnet for friends and loves rainbows and sunshine!