Abu Dhabi 2019 - Tennis

Susan Handerhan

Coach | Menands, New York

Susan Handerhan has been a Special Olympics New York coach for 32 years. It all started when she attended a coaches training school that included a story about Special Olympics. As soon as Susan got home from that training, she started a training club and she has been involved in all areas of Special Olympics New York since. She says it has changed her life in so many ways. It has given her the ability to organize events, travel and has made her see that people can do things that they never thought possible. Susan is most proud to see the look in an athlete's eyes when they learn that they can do something they couldn't do before or when they get a personal best at a competition. Her favorite moment so far has been when one of her athletes was standing on the awards stand getting his silver medal from Tim Shriver - the smile on the athlete’s face could have lit up the sky. Susan also volunteers for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital and is involved with activities in her local community. She most admires the athletes who, through their struggles, never give up and are always willing to try. She is looking forward to attending the Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019 because it means that she will get to see the athletes dreams of competing on the world level come true.